"Ascension" by Shirley Freeman Wynn is a poetic journey into the depths of Divine Love, self-awareness, and spiritual transformation. Through heartfelt verses, this collection guides readers toward a profound understanding of love as the ultimate healing force. Each poem offers insights on surrendering the ego, embracing self-love, and mirroring the Divine in every relationship. This work calls for the rebirth of the soul, inviting readers to explore the sacred power of love that transcends earthly bounds and resonates with Christ-consciousness. Whether seeking personal growth or spiritual awakening, this book provides solace, wisdom, and the assurance that love is the guiding force toward the Divine Self.
About Author
Shirley Freeman Wynn grew up on a small farm in Eastern North Carolina in a village where everyone knew each other. Life was very close to nature forest and farm animals. A natural empath and oldest girl at home in a large family. Nurturing was and is a reflex.
After high school graduation , Shirley won a scholarship and earned a BS Degree in Business Administration and a MEd in Counselor Education...
About Book
Ascension is a poetic journey into the depths of self-love, Divine connection, and the transformative power of grace. Shirley Freeman Wynn weaves reflections on love, healing, and the human spirit's resilience, offering a spiritual roadmap for those seeking meaning and purpose in their lives. Through rich imagery and heartfelt verses, the book explores themes of personal growth, forgiveness, and the interconnectedness of all beings.
This collection stands as a testament to the belief that love, in its truest form, transcends ego, cultural boundaries, and earthly challenges...
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